Thursday 13 January 2011

Pre Lim Improvements

Filming aspects of my Pre lim task that I could improve on when filming for my project.   

·        When filming make sure nothing is in the way of the cameras lens e.g. fingers held over the lens.
·        Include some aspects of audio in editing. Such as the creaking of a door opening. This increases the tension and professionalism of the film.  
·        Don’t give away the identity of the victim/characters of the film quickly, so this leaves an aspect of mystery with the audience.
·        Make sure the location you are filming is deserted. This is so no passers by are accidently in your shot.
·        Use better actors in my project, so they can play a character well, and are more confident and skilled.
·        Maintain a better aspect of narrative enigma
·        When editing cut clips sharper. Also make sure that all clips correlate with one another, in the correct order.
·        Make sure that everyone is out of the shot when filming. This includes directors etc.

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