Tuesday 25 January 2011

The Chase- Microdrama

My microdrama was one of my very first media projects. I have included ideas from Propp's theory of characters. These include a hero, princess, side kick, victim and villain. I have used Mise-en-scene to portray the characters. The princess has long blonde hair and wears a tiara on her head to show her royalty and power. I chose for the princess to have long blonde hair so she would be portrayed as a stereotypical princess, who would be seen as blonde, stupid and hopeless. Props I have included in my microdrama are the Heroes and Villains magic staffs. These show the characters have magical abilities. This adds to the mystery of the plot.
The film is edited in black and white to add tension, and make it appear more thrilling and suspenseful.
To read more about the deconstruction of my microdrama, please read my Deconstruction of debut film blog post.

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